TNT Fitogether FC

Leagues Played
South Korea Cup 2


South Korea Cup 03/05 05:00 7 TNT Fitogether FC v Yangju Citizen L 1-2
South Korea Cup 03/09 05:00 8 Gyeongju HNP v Seoul Yangcheon-gu TNTFC L 1-0
TNT Fitogether FC is a dynamic and talented soccer team representing South Korea on the international stage. Known for their explosive style of play and cohesive teamwork, this group of skilled athletes has quickly become a force to be reckoned with in the world of soccer.

With a roster of top-notch players who possess exceptional speed, agility, and technical ability, TNT Fitogether FC is able to dominate their opponents on the field. Their relentless energy and determination make them a formidable opponent, capable of scoring goals with precision and finesse.

Off the field, the team is known for their strong sense of camaraderie and unity, with players working together seamlessly to achieve their goals. Their dedication to each other and to the sport is evident in their performance, as they consistently strive for excellence and success.

Fans of TNT Fitogether FC can expect an exciting and thrilling experience whenever they take the field, as this team never fails to deliver an electrifying and entertaining performance. With their passion for the game and their unwavering commitment to success, TNT Fitogether FC is a team that truly embodies the spirit of South Korean soccer.