AL Majd

Leagues Played
Syria D1 League 1
Syria D1 League 04/05 12:55 - AL Majd v Al Yarmouk (Syr) D 7-7
The Syria basketball team "Al Majd" is a talented and determined group of athletes who represent their country with pride and passion on the international stage. Known for their skillful ball-handling, sharp shooting, and strong defensive play, the team is a force to be reckoned with in the world of basketball.

Comprised of a diverse group of players from different backgrounds and regions of Syria, Al Majd embodies the spirit of unity and teamwork. Their chemistry on the court is evident in their seamless passing, coordinated plays, and unwavering support for one another.

Off the court, the team is committed to using their platform to promote unity, peace, and positivity in their war-torn country. Through community outreach programs, charity events, and youth basketball clinics, Al Majd strives to inspire and uplift their fellow Syrians.

With their determination, skill, and dedication to their country, the Syria basketball team "Al Majd" is a shining example of resilience and strength in the face of adversity.