Arbisyam FC

Leagues Played
AFF Club Champs 3
AFF Club Champs 07/17 04:30 - Arbisyam FC v UYFC Komchaymear W 7-6
AFF Club Champs 07/16 09:00 - East Coast Heat v Arbisyam FC L 10-0
AFF Club Champs 07/15 04:30 - Arbisyam FC v Mic FC L 0-9
Arbisyam FC is a dynamic and competitive futsal team based in the heart of the city. Known for their fast-paced and skillful style of play, Arbisyam FC has quickly become a force to be reckoned with in the local futsal scene.

Comprised of a talented and dedicated group of players, Arbisyam FC is committed to excellence both on and off the court. With a strong emphasis on teamwork, sportsmanship, and hard work, the team strives to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of futsal.

Arbisyam FC is not just a team, but a family. The players share a deep bond and camaraderie that is evident in their seamless coordination and communication on the court. Their passion for the game is infectious, and their determination to succeed is unwavering.

Whether they are competing in a local tournament or facing off against a rival team, Arbisyam FC always gives their all and leaves everything on the court. With their relentless drive to improve and their unwavering commitment to each other, Arbisyam FC is a team that is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches them play.