Go Fitness Hub Cinisello Women

Leagues Played
Italy Regional Division Women 2
Italy Regional Division Women 12/04 20:00 - Go Fitness Hub Cinisello Women v Polisportiva di Nova Women L 0-3
Italy Regional Division Women 10/16 19:15 - Societa Plurisportiva Baita Women v Go Fitness Hub Cinisello Women L 3-1
"Go Fitness Hub Cinisello Women" is a dedicated and passionate volleyball team based in Cinisello, Italy. Comprised of skilled and determined female athletes, this team embodies the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance. With a strong focus on physical fitness and training, the players of "Go Fitness Hub Cinisello Women" are always striving to improve their skills and achieve success on the volleyball court. Whether competing in local leagues or tournaments, this team is known for their competitive spirit and unwavering dedication to the sport. Watch out for "Go Fitness Hub Cinisello Women" as they continue to make their mark in the world of volleyball.