Cape Verde 3x3

Leagues Played
FIBA 3x3 Africa Cup 2
Related Teams
Cape Verde 3x3 Women
FIBA 3x3 Africa Cup 11/09 14:20 - Nigeria 3x3 v Cape Verde 3x3 L 17-16
FIBA 3x3 Africa Cup 11/09 12:18 - Uganda 3x3 v Cape Verde 3x3 L 14-13
Cape Verde 3x3 is a dynamic and talented basketball team representing the beautiful island nation of Cape Verde. Known for their fast-paced and high-energy style of play, this team is a force to be reckoned with on the court. Comprised of skilled and agile players, Cape Verde 3x3 excels in both offense and defense, making them a formidable opponent in any competition. With a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie, this team is always ready to give their all and leave everything on the court. Cape Verde 3x3 is a true representation of the passion and dedication that Cape Verdeans have for the game of basketball.