Latvia Nacionala Liga Women 04/28 12:00 - RVS Women v Ropazi Women L 3-0
Matches Women 04/27 07:00 - RVS N.L. Women v Ropazi Women L 3-2
Matches Women 12/29 09:30 - Ropazi Women v VK Ziemelu Krasts Salacgriva Women L 0-3
Matches Women 12/29 07:41 - Don't mess with us Women v Ropazi Women W 1-3
"Ropazi Women" is a dynamic and talented volleyball team based in the small town of Ropazi. Comprised of dedicated and skilled female athletes, this team is known for their exceptional teamwork, strong communication, and unwavering determination on the court. With a passion for the sport and a drive to succeed, "Ropazi Women" consistently demonstrate their competitive spirit and sportsmanship in every game they play. Whether they are spiking, setting, or diving for a save, this team always gives their all and leaves it all on the court. Fans and opponents alike can expect an exciting and intense match whenever they face off against "Ropazi Women."