Argentina Superiores Quinta Women 04/22 00:30 - APAIB Women v Scholem Aleijem B Women W 0-3
Argentina Superiores Quinta Women 10/01 00:30 - Club Atletico All Boys de Saavedra Women v Scholem Aleijem B Women L 3-2
Argentina Superiores Quinta Women 09/03 00:30 - Circulo Policia Federal Women v Scholem Aleijem B Women L 3-1
Argentina Super Segunda Women 09/04 00:00 - Ferro Carril Oeste C Women v Scholem Aleijem B Women L 3-2
Argentina Super Segunda Women 06/29 00:30 - Comunicaciones Women v Scholem Aleijem B Women L 3-0
"Scholem Aleijem B Women" is a competitive volleyball team made up of talented and dedicated female athletes. Named after the renowned Yiddish writer, the team embodies the spirit of perseverance, creativity, and teamwork. With a strong focus on skill development and strategic gameplay, the players of Scholem Aleijem B Women work tirelessly to improve their performance on the court. Known for their sportsmanship and camaraderie, this team is a force to be reckoned with in the world of women's volleyball. Whether they are spiking, setting, or diving for a dig, the players of Scholem Aleijem B Women always give their all to achieve victory.