Mono Vampire 3x3

Leagues Played
3x3 EXE Premier 9
3x3 EXE Premier 09/08 03:40 - Tokyo Dime 3x3 v Mono Vampire 3x3 - View
3x3 EXE Premier 09/01 10:55 - Mono Vampire 3x3 v Direction 18+ 3x3 L 15-21
3x3 EXE Premier 09/01 10:55 - Mono Vampire 3x3 v Air Force 3x3 - View
3x3 EXE Premier 09/01 05:54 - Mono Vampire 3x3 v Shoot It Dragon 3x3 L 11-18
3x3 EXE Premier 08/25 12:50 - TGE 3x3 v Mono Vampire 3x3 - View
3x3 EXE Premier 08/25 10:45 - Mono Vampire 3x3 v SWU 3x3 L 9-11
3x3 EXE Premier 08/25 09:29 - Mono Vampire 3x3 v Thammasat University 3x3 W 21-17
3x3 EXE Premier 08/18 10:15 - SWU 3x3 v Mono Vampire 3x3 L 18-16
3x3 EXE Premier 08/18 09:41 - Air Force 3x3 v Mono Vampire 3x3 W 6-18
3x3 EXE Premier 08/18 09:12 - Direction 18+ 3x3 v Mono Vampire 3x3 W 12-21
3x3 EXE Premier 06/30 08:53 - Mono Vampire 3x3 v Shoot It Dragon 3x3 W 17-14
3x3 EXE Premier 06/30 08:15 - Direction 18+ 3x3 v Mono Vampire 3x3 W 17-20
Mono Vampire 3x3 is a professional basketball team based in Thailand. The team is known for their fast-paced and exciting style of play in the 3x3 format of the game. With a roster of talented and skilled players, Mono Vampire 3x3 is a force to be reckoned with on the court. They have a strong fan base and are always a crowd favorite at tournaments and events. The team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of the sport and showcasing their passion for basketball to fans around the world. Whether they are competing in local tournaments or on the international stage, Mono Vampire 3x3 always brings their A-game and leaves it all on the court.