Vitameda-RIO Women

Leagues Played
Lithuania KTML Women 8 Matches Women 1
Lithuania KTML Women 05/30 16:30 - KTU Kaunas Women v Vitameda-RIO Women L 3-1
Lithuania KTML Women 05/29 16:00 - Bellona Women v Vitameda-RIO Women L 3-1
Lithuania KTML Women 05/23 15:30 - Bellona Women v Vitameda-RIO Women L 3-0
Lithuania KTML Women 05/02 16:00 - Vitameda-RIO Women v Alytus OCTA Women W 3-0
Lithuania KTML Women 03/17 17:30 - KTU Kaunas Women v Vitameda-RIO Women W 1-3
Lithuania KTML Women 02/28 16:30 - LSMU Kaunas Women v Vitameda-RIO Women W 0-3
Lithuania KTML Women 12/09 18:30 - Vitameda-RIO Women v Kauno Kolegija Women W 3-0
Lithuania KTML Women 03/05 18:15 - Vitameda-RIO Women v KSM Startas Heksa Women W 3-0
Lithuania KTML Women 02/13 18:30 - Vitameda-RIO Women v Kauno Kolegija Womem - View
Matches Women 02/06 18:30 - Vitameda-RIO Women v Bellona Women W 3-0
Vitameda-RIO Women is a dynamic and talented volleyball team that hails from the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Comprised of a diverse group of skilled athletes, this team is known for their exceptional teamwork, determination, and passion for the sport.

The players of Vitameda-RIO Women are dedicated to pushing themselves to their limits both on and off the court, constantly striving for excellence and success. With a strong work ethic and a competitive spirit, they have quickly become a force to be reckoned with in the volleyball world.

Known for their powerful serves, precise sets, and explosive spikes, Vitameda-RIO Women always put on an exciting and entertaining show for their fans. Whether they are playing in a local tournament or on the international stage, this team never fails to impress with their skill and sportsmanship.

Off the court, the players of Vitameda-RIO Women are also actively involved in their community, using their platform to inspire and empower others. With a strong sense of camaraderie and a shared love for the game, this team is not only a formidable opponent but also a tight-knit family.

Overall, Vitameda-RIO Women is a team that embodies the spirit of volleyball – passion, teamwork, and dedication. With their talent and determination, they are sure to continue making waves in the volleyball world for years to come.