Sun Hearts 3x3 Women

Japan 3x3 Champs Women 02/22 08:55 - Sun Hearts 3x3 Women v Simon 3x3 Women L 12-21
Japan 3x3 Champs Women 02/22 05:55 - Green Arrows 3x3 Women v Sun Hearts 3x3 Women W 15-21
The Sun Hearts 3x3 Women's basketball team is a dynamic and talented group of female athletes who excel in the fast-paced and exciting game of 3x3 basketball. Known for their speed, agility, and teamwork, the Sun Hearts players bring a fierce competitive spirit to the court as they battle against top teams in tournaments and leagues. With a passion for the game and a dedication to pushing themselves to new heights, the Sun Hearts 3x3 Women's team is a force to be reckoned with in the world of women's basketball. Whether they're draining three-pointers, driving to the hoop, or locking down opponents on defense, the Sun Hearts players always play with heart and determination, making them a formidable opponent for any team they face.