Team Notice

Leagues Played
DOTA2 - Libertango Cup 5
DOTA2 - Libertango Cup 07/20 03:00 - Team Notice v GoodFellaz 2-0
DOTA2 - Libertango Cup 07/15 03:00 - Team Notice v Angel Alliance 2-1
DOTA2 - Libertango Cup 07/14 03:00 - StarLucK.Fly v Team Notice 2-0
DOTA2 - Libertango Cup 07/13 03:00 - Team Notice v Vice Esports 2-0
DOTA2 - Libertango Cup 07/10 06:00 - Team Notice v Execration 0-2
Team Notice is a professional esports team known for their exceptional skill and teamwork in various competitive gaming titles. With a roster of talented players, Team Notice has quickly risen to prominence in the esports scene, consistently placing high in tournaments and leagues. Their dedication to practice and strategy has earned them a reputation as a formidable opponent, capable of taking on the best teams in the industry. Fans of Team Notice can expect thrilling matches and impressive plays as they continue to dominate the esports world.