Leonas Women

Leagues Played
Ukraine Super Cup Women 1
Ukraine Cup Women 09/25 11:00 - Leonas Women v Dnipro Cherkasy Women - View
Ukraine Super Cup Women 08/20 13:00 - Tesla Women v Leonas Women W 5-6
"Leonas Women" is a dynamic and talented futsal team made up of fierce and skilled female players. Known for their speed, agility, and teamwork, the team embodies the spirit of the lioness - strong, fearless, and determined. With a passion for the game and a drive to succeed, the Leonas Women are a force to be reckoned with on the futsal court. Their dedication to training and their competitive spirit make them a formidable opponent for any team they face. Watch out for the roar of the Leonas Women as they dominate the futsal scene with their impressive skills and unwavering determination.