VALORANT - BoomTV Proving Grounds 11/19 00:00 - FLICKBAITERS v Renegades View
VALORANT - Elite Showdown 11/13 20:00 - SoaR v FLICKBAITERS View
FLICKBAITERS is a competitive esports team known for their exceptional skill and precision in first-person shooter games. With a roster of talented players who excel in games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Valorant, and Call of Duty, FLICKBAITERS has quickly risen to prominence in the esports scene.

The team is characterized by their aggressive playstyle and quick reflexes, often catching their opponents off guard with their strategic maneuvers and precise aim. Their ability to outmaneuver and outshoot their opponents has earned them a reputation as one of the top teams in the competitive gaming world.

FLICKBAITERS is not only known for their impressive gameplay, but also for their strong team chemistry and communication. Each player brings a unique skill set to the team, allowing them to work together seamlessly to achieve victory in high-stakes tournaments and competitions.

Fans of FLICKBAITERS can expect thrilling matches, jaw-dropping plays, and intense rivalries as the team continues to dominate the esports scene and solidify their place as one of the best in the business.