Leagues Played
Hungary NB 1.A U20 10
Hungary NB 1.A U20 02/14 14:00 - Falco Szombathely U20 v KTE-NJE U20 W 64-72
Hungary NB 1.A U20 12/30 13:00 - Sopron KC U20 v KTE-NJE U20 L 64-59
Hungary NB 1.A U20 12/02 14:00 - Kormend U20 v KTE-NJE U20 L 74-65
Hungary NB 1.A U20 10/27 14:00 - Honved U20 v KTE-NJE U20 W 63-70
Hungary NB 1.A U20 10/06 13:00 - Deac Kosarlabda Akademia U20 v KTE-NJE U20 L 91-50
Hungary NB 1.A U20 03/24 14:00 - KTE-NJE U20 v Sopron KC U20 W 81-79
Hungary NB 1.A U20 01/05 14:00 - ZTE KK U20 v Duna Aszfalt U20 W 62-99
Hungary NB 1.A U20 12/27 14:00 - Kaposvari U20 v Duna Aszfalt U20 L 63-51
Hungary NB 1.A U20 12/22 14:00 - Duna Aszfalt U20 v Deac Kosarlabda Akademia U20 W 73-59
Hungary NB 1.A U20 12/10 14:00 - Duna Aszfalt U20 v Falco Szombathely U20 W 69-63
KTE-NJE U20 is a highly competitive and talented basketball team that competes in the U20 division. Comprised of young and promising athletes, this team is known for their exceptional skills, teamwork, and dedication to the sport.

The players of KTE-NJE U20 possess a deep understanding of the game and demonstrate a high level of basketball IQ. They are well-coached and execute their strategies with precision and efficiency. Their ability to read the game and make quick decisions on the court sets them apart from their opponents.

One of the team's greatest strengths is their exceptional athleticism. The players are agile, quick, and possess impressive vertical leaps, allowing them to dominate both ends of the court. Their speed and agility enable them to swiftly transition from defense to offense, catching their opponents off guard.

KTE-NJE U20 is also known for their strong defensive presence. The players exhibit great discipline and tenacity, constantly pressuring their opponents and forcing turnovers. Their ability to disrupt the opposing team's offense and create scoring opportunities for themselves is a testament to their defensive prowess.

Offensively, KTE-NJE U20 is a force to be reckoned with. The players showcase a wide range of offensive skills, including accurate shooting, effective ball handling, and exceptional court vision. They move the ball fluidly, creating open shots and finding the best scoring opportunities for their team.

Furthermore, the team's chemistry and camaraderie are evident both on and off the court. The players have developed a strong bond and trust in one another, which translates into seamless teamwork and effective communication during games. This unity allows them to make quick and accurate passes, exploit their opponents' weaknesses, and ultimately achieve success.

Overall, KTE-NJE U20 is a formidable basketball team that combines exceptional skills, athleticism, and teamwork. Their dedication to the sport and relentless pursuit of excellence make them a force to be reckoned with in the U20 division.