KP Lodz Beach

KP Lodz Beach

Leagues Played
Beach Soccer - 36 mins play 47
Related Teams
KP Lodz Beach U21

Wikipedia - KP Łódź

KP Łódź is a professional beach soccer team based in Łódź, Poland.

KP Lodz Beach is a dynamic and competitive soccer team based in Lodz, Poland. Known for their skillful play and teamwork, the players of KP Lodz Beach are dedicated to achieving success on the field. With a strong work ethic and a passion for the game, this team is always striving to improve and reach their full potential. Whether they are playing in local tournaments or facing off against top competitors, KP Lodz Beach is always ready to give their all and showcase their talent. With a supportive fan base and a commitment to excellence, this team is a force to be reckoned with in the world of soccer.