ASF Mahdia Women is a professional handball team based in Mahdia, Tunisia. The team is known for its strong and talented players who have achieved great success in national and international competitions. ASF Mahdia Women is a powerhouse in Tunisian handball, consistently competing at the highest level and challenging for titles.

The team is known for its fast-paced and aggressive style of play, with a focus on strong defense and quick counterattacks. ASF Mahdia Women has a dedicated fan base that supports them at every game, creating an electric atmosphere in the arena.

ASF Mahdia Women has a rich history of success, with numerous championship titles and accolades to their name. The team is a force to be reckoned with in Tunisian handball and continues to be a dominant force in the sport. With their skill, determination, and passion for the game, ASF Mahdia Women is a team that commands respect and admiration from fans and opponents alike.