ZRK Klenak 09 Women

Leagues Played
Serbia Cup Women 1
ZRK Klenak 09 Women is a professional handball team based in Serbia. The team is known for their strong defensive play and skilled offensive tactics. They have a talented roster of players who are dedicated to their sport and work hard to achieve success on the court.

The team has a rich history of success in domestic and international competitions, and they are always striving to improve and reach new heights in the world of handball. ZRK Klenak 09 Women is a respected and competitive team that is always a force to be reckoned with in any tournament they participate in.

Fans of handball in Serbia and around the world admire ZRK Klenak 09 Women for their skill, determination, and sportsmanship. They are a team that embodies the spirit of teamwork and dedication, and they continue to inspire and impress audiences with their impressive performances on the handball court.