Sao Bernardo U20

Leagues Played
Portugal 1st Division U20 13
Related Teams
Sao Bernardo Sao Bernardo Women
The Portugal handball team "Sao Bernardo U20" is a talented and competitive group of young athletes who represent the Sao Bernardo club in Portugal. Comprised of players under the age of 20, this team is known for their skill, teamwork, and determination on the handball court.

The Sao Bernardo U20 team has a strong coaching staff that focuses on developing the players' technical abilities, tactical understanding, and physical conditioning. They regularly compete in local and national tournaments, showcasing their talent and passion for the sport.

With a roster of promising young players, the Sao Bernardo U20 team is a force to be reckoned with in the Portuguese handball scene. They are dedicated to improving their skills and achieving success both on and off the court, making them a team to watch in the future.