Prima Con FC

Leagues Played
Indonesia Liga 3 11
Prima Con FC is the pride of Indonesian soccer, a team that embodies the spirit and passion of the nation's football culture. With a rich history and a dedicated fan base, Prima Con FC is known for their skillful play, teamwork, and never-say-die attitude on the field.

The team's iconic red and white jerseys symbolize their commitment to representing Indonesia with pride and honor. Their players are a mix of seasoned veterans and up-and-coming talents, all united in their goal of achieving success on both the domestic and international stage.

Prima Con FC's home matches are a spectacle to behold, with fans filling the stadium with chants, songs, and cheers that create an electric atmosphere. The team's style of play is fast-paced, attacking, and entertaining, making them a favorite among soccer enthusiasts in Indonesia and beyond.

With a strong coaching staff and a roster of talented players, Prima Con FC is a force to be reckoned with in Indonesian soccer. They continue to strive for excellence and success, aiming to bring glory to their country and inspire future generations of footballers.