
Leagues Played
Lithuania Cup 2
Trivartis is the national soccer team of Lithuania, representing the country in international competitions. The team is known for its strong work ethic, determination, and passion for the game. Trivartis has a rich history in soccer, with a dedicated fan base that supports them through thick and thin.

The team's colors are yellow and green, symbolizing the national flag of Lithuania. Trivartis has a talented roster of players who showcase their skills on the field with precision passing, strategic plays, and impressive goal-scoring abilities.

Trivartis competes in various tournaments and qualifiers, aiming to showcase their talent on the global stage. The team has faced tough competition but continues to strive for success and improvement with each match they play.

Overall, Trivartis is a respected and competitive soccer team that represents Lithuania with pride and determination. Their dedication to the sport and their country makes them a force to be reckoned with on the international soccer scene.